Follow this procedure to create a Wiki page
Author Staff | Last edit 13/01/2020 by Staff under review ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
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Follow this procedure to create a Wiki page
création, page, wiki en fr 1
Click on Create a page (top right of the main page), then on Page.
Give it a title, then click Create.
Once the page has been created, fill in the information that will make it easier to understand.
Template:Info:You can add a category to your page by clicking on Add a block.
Click on the blue insert to open the media gallery.
A - Download an image from the platform
In the Search tab, select an image.
Click on Insert in page to publish the image.
B- Upload a picture from your computer.
Select the Upload tab in the pop-up window.
Click Select Files to search for an image on your computer.
Finalize your download by clicking on Insert in page.
Select the status of the page from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen:
- Draft if you haven't finished writing it.
- Submit for Proofreading when you wish to submit your page to the proofreaders before it is published on the platform.
. Finalize the creation by clicking on Save.
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