Review and validate a page

This page is a translated version of the page Relire et valider une page and the translation is completed at 100 %. Contribute to the translation

Author avatarStaff | Last edit 26/02/2020 by Staff under review

Soumettre une page à validation dokit-review 0001 Layer 6.jpg

Follow this procedure to review and validate a page

15 minute(s)
Other languages:
English • ‎français

Step 1 - Go to the tutorial

On the home page, click on a tutorial.

Step 2 - Accessing the parameters of a tutorial

Once in the tutorial, click on the button representing the three points, to access the parameters of the page.

In the drop-down menu, select Validate version.

Step 3 - Validate the page

To validate the page, click on Validate the version.

You can leave a comment in the Comment field.

