Create a new manual

This page is a translated version of the page Créer un nouveau manuel and the translation is completed at 100 %. Contribute to the translation

Author avatarStaff | Last edit 13/01/2020 by Staff under review

Créer un nouveau manuel manual-01.jpg

Follow this procedure to create a manual

10 minute(s)
Other languages:
English • ‎français

Step 1 - Create a manual

On the home page, click on Create a page.

In the window, click on Manual.

Name the Manual in the field to be completed.

Click on Create.

Step 2 - Add the main image and the banner

Click on the blue inserts at the respective Logo and banner locations to open the media gallery.

You can add images from the platform or download them from your computer

A - Download an image from the platform

In the Search tab, select an image.

Click on Insert in page to publish the image.

B- Upload a picture from your computer.

Select the Upload tab in the pop-up window.

Click Select Files to search for an image on your computer.

In the My images tab, find all the images you have previously uploaded to Dokit.


Finalize your download by clicking on Insert in page.

Step 3 - Fill in the useful information

Description: Describe your manual in a maximum of 140 characters.

Categories: Specify to which category your manual belongs.

Visibility: check the box Display the manual to the public to make your manual public.

Finalize the creation by clicking on Save.

