Submit a page for validation

Author avatarStaff | Last edit 26/02/2020 by Staff being drafted

Soumettre une page à validation dokit-review 0003 Layer 4.jpg

Follow this procedure to submit a page for validation

1 minute(s)
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English • ‎français

Step 1 - Visit the page

Visit the page that needs to be reviewed

Only users who have the right "Review pages" can validate the pages.

The pages that need to be reviewed are in Being drafted status (accompanied by an grey dot). See point (1) on the screenshot opposite.

Click on the ••• button at the top right of each page. See point (2) on the screenshot opposite.

Cliquez ensuite sur Soumettre à la relecture. Voir point (3) sur la capture d'écran ci-contre.

Step 2 -

Write a new page

At the bottom of the page in the field Status, open the drop-down menu and select Submit for review.

Cliquez sur le bouton Soumettre à la relecture.

Si nécessaire, vous pouvez laisser un commentaire à destination de l'auteur dans le champ Commentaire.

Step 3 -

Check the progress of the proofreading of a new page

Click on the avatar icon in the menu bar at the top of the page and select from the drop-down menu My Profile.

Découvrez maintenant comment relire et valider une page.

