Modifier son profil

Author avatarStaff | Last edit 13/03/2019 by FuzzyBot being drafted

No image yet

Follow this procedure to edit your profile


In the Personal information tab, you can edit the information displayed in your profile. The other users can consult them by clicking on your profile.

Step 1 - Go to “My profile”

  1. On the homepage, click on the profile icon and select My profile.
  2. Click on the top right of the page on Edit profile

Step 2 - Edit my personal information

  1. In the new window Edit your profile, fill in the blanks you want in the account’s configuration.
  2. Click on Update to save the changes.

Step 3 - Add/Edit a profile picture

  1. Click on the top right of the page on Edit profile
  2. Click on the profile picture in the horizontal menu bar.
  3. Click on Browse to look for the image on your computer.
  4. Click on Upload file to save the changes.

Step 4 - Edit your e-mail address

If you did not specify any e-mail address during your subscription, go onto the section “Add an e-mail address”.
  1. On the platform’s homepage, click on the profile icon on the top right of the screen.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select Preferences.
  3. Cliquez tout en bas sur Option des courriels.
  4. Sur la page Changer ou supprimer l’adresse de courriel, rentrez la nouvelle adresse mail dans le champ Nouvelle adresse de courriel.
  5. Cliquez sur '"Changer l'adresse de courriel"' pour confirmer la nouvelle adresse mail.
  6. Vous recevrez par mail, un lien pour confirmer votre nouvelle adresse mail.
...Dans la fenêtre Vérifiez votre identité, renseignez le nom d’utilisateur ainsi que le mot de passe pour confirmer l’identité.

