Add annotations

This page is a translated version of the page Ajouter des annotations and the translation is completed at 100 %. Contribute to the translation

Author avatarStaff | Last edit 13/01/2020 by Staff under review

Redimensionner une image annotate-3.jpg

Follow this procedure to add memos to an image.

5 minute(s)
Other languages:
English • ‎français

Step 1 - Accessing the image editing interface

Select the tutorial for which an image needs to be resized by clicking on it.

In the selected tutorial, click on the right side of the screen on the pencil icon to edit the tutorial.

Click on the image to be modified, 2 icons appear on the top right of the image.

Select the icon on the left to open the editing interface for images.

Step 2 - Add annotations to an image

Click on the text icon symbolized by the letter T to add annotations.

Click on the text box to write an annotation.

  • Finalize by clicking on Validate.
Click on the corner points of the text box to enlarge, reduce or rotate the text box.
You can also change the color of the text by clicking on the different colors available in the image editing interface.

Step 3 -

