Crop an image

Author avatarStaff | Last edit 13/01/2020 by Staff under review

Redimensionner une image annotate-2.jpg

Follow this procedure to crop an image

2 minute(s)
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Step 1 - Accessing the image editing interface

Select the tutorial for which an image needs to be resized.

In the selected tutorial, click on the right side of the screen on the pencil icon to edit the tutorial.

Click on the image to be modified :

2 icons appear in the upper right corner of the image.

Select the icon on the left to open the editing interface for images.

Step 2 - Crop an image

Click on the crop icon on the left, to resize the image.

Click on the thinned area (which delimits the frame of the image) and hold down the mouse to direct the area onto the image.

To enlarge or reduce the size of the image, click on the corners and adjust the size by holding down the mouse.

Once the image is resized click on Crop.

Vous pouvez également modifier la taille de vos images en utilisant les formats 1:1, 4:3 et 16:9 disponibles dans l’interface de retouche des images.

Step 3 -

