Follow this procedure to visually explore the pages by adding images to the tutorials and editing them.
Author Staff | Last edit 13/01/2020 by Staff being drafted ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Follow this procedure to visually explore the pages by adding images to the tutorials and editing them.
page, images Explorer_les_pages_visuellement_dokit_explore__0003_Layer_1.jpg en fr 1
It is accessible via the URL:
Replace yoursite by the URL of your Dokit platform.
Use filters to filter results by metadata.
Only pages with the status "Published" appear in the results.
To find a list of all the pages published on your Dokit platform, go to the Dokit:AllPages page.
Use the different sorting options to sort your results by :
Vous pouvez également filtrer par auteur et afficher les résultats dans les autres langues.
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